Pilot Registry info
Title : Additive manufacturing of microfluidic bioMEMS devices through enhancing 3D printing technology
Acronym : Pilot line for production of bioMEMS devices through 3D printing
Address : ATHINA, Greece
Legal Info
Title : National Technical University Of Athens - Ntua
PIC Code : 999978142
Type of Organization : HES - Higher Education and Universities

Description : The National Technical University of Athens is structured according to the continental European system for training engineers, with an emphasis on solid background. The duration of courses leading, after the acquisition of 300 credit units to a Diploma, of Master’s level, is five years. The valuable work of NTUA and its international reputation are due to its well-organised educational andresearch system, the quality of its staff and students, and the adequacy of its technical infrastructure. NTUA graduates were pivotal to Greece’s pre-war development and to post-war reconstruction. The graduate engineers who staffed public and private technical services and companies were and remain by general consent, equal to their European counterparts. Many have been elected to distinguished teaching and research positions in well-known universities all over the world.
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