WG organisational structure

Proposed initial structure of the WGs:

Technical collaboration, Training and dissemination

This WG will cover all the technical issues including the pilot facilities, the (SMEs) facility users and EPPN user access for digital platform. One of the aims of this WG will also be to establish links with other EC project cluster in order to help addressing joint pilot facilities development issues such as safety, modelling, characterisation, standards etc. The main activities of this WG would be to mapping needs and developing collaboration related to:

Possible members of the WG could be: pilot facilities, digital platform and pilot facilities end users, RTOs.

Market and finance intelligence

The goal of this WG is collecting and providing commercial and market information and guidance to the pilot production operations and user cases. In order to address the market and financial needs, this WG will be established with the aim to:

Possible members of the WG could be: LE and SMEs, users of pilot lines services, investors, European, national and regional government and finance institutions.

Policy and regions

This WG will be focusing mainly on contacts to regional decision makers and innovation offices that can help formalising the regional innovation needs and activities. The EPPN will identify pilot production policy needs through direct interaction with all stakeholders and provide recommendations. The activities will include:

Possible members of the WG could be: pilot lines and end users, national and regional authorities and agencies, scientific and regulatory services.

Please contact us if you are interested to become an active member via contact@eppn.eu

The project has received funding from European Union programme (H2020) under grant agreement No. 768681